Show me the gay flag

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To wear coloured triangles (here represented by the stars) in the Concentration Camps including It is also worth noting that the rainbow and Europe have anotherĬonnotation within this flag that of a commemoration of those forced The rainbow colours are a symbol for Gay people of unity throughĭiversity and that is an excellent symbol for Europe too.

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Purple (or pink): 5 o'clock and 11 o'clock. The 'Gay European flag' is a standard European Union flag but with differently coloured stars: 'Gay European flag' - Image by Clare Dimyon, 21 April 2007 Pink and the stars are coloured as follows: It is derived from the European flag, but the field is The most recent gay European flag has appeared at Europride 2016 in Gay European flag - Image by Tomislav Todorović, 25 March 2017 This page is part of © FOTW Flags Of The World website Gay European flags

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